Venture into a new understanding & perspective towards intimate connection and socializing.
Completely immerse yourself in the ongoings & endless layers of the social, emotional & intimate world, which for many men, there is an ignorance.
Learn how to express yourself to the world & routinely forge intimate connections with those you want connections with, as well as others around you.
Prism is a 12-week program -
Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12:
Two 3-4 hour in-person coaching sessions each week.
This includes conversation so I can gain a better understanding of you, your unique circumstance and life-perspective; facilitating actions for you to take (approaching and conversing with others, meeting them, venturing for "closes" [getting contact information, asking the person to meet, bringing the person to a better location to get to know each other better, etc.]; providing insights on your abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and where and how you can improve in approaching, engaging, connecting and closing those with whom you want to connect.
I also provide invaluable insights on how you can and honestly must, improve your personal, day-to-day habits and decisions so you are on the right track in your regular life.
You can’t have a unfulfilling and unhealthy personal life, and consistently expect others around you to want to be part of that.
Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11:
Two no-cap phone sessions each week for questions and reviews for assignment completion (for phone weeks, I will provide assignments for you to complete that are uniquely catered to your personal skillset and life-context).
We will also, within the flow of everything, have more macrocosmic discussions about intimate connection, general connection, relationships, habits and decision-making.
If you commit to Prism, it will provide you with life-altering improvement.
I provide three in-person coaching sessions of 3 hours, and also two hours of digital coaching, in between our in-person sessions (phone or Skype).
On top of that, when we are not seeing each other, I provide you assignments for you to complete, specifically catered to you so that you are maximizing your overall understanding as you go through this process. We then go over your assignment results.
I "connect the dots" between each session with all my observations of you and your interactions with others, your progress in cultivating healthier personal habits — weaving your learning and actions into a coherent, contiguous program — so that there is a sense of direction and momentum.
What would the coaching look like, in a nutshell?
In a focused and fun way, I would work with you to approach, engage and connect with those whom you want to connect, providing you insights on your strengths and weaknesses, blindspots, and what you need to do to improve. I would show you, through various teaching styles, how you can appropriately understand what is going on around you, beyond your logical framework and habituated priorities - helping you step outside your normal life-lens, and into the more subtle world of “connection communications.”
I would also consult you on how you can improve your personal life so your ability to connect is more effortless — for example, if you struggle with focusing or being alert, I will provide my advice on how you can improve here so that your personal life and relationships are much stronger.
The sum of these experiences would lead you to far greater understanding and knowledge of how to approach and communicate with others on the social, emotional and intimate levels, and live healthier life.
Elite Digital Coaching
Via Zoom, FaceTime, Phone, etc - I provide elite, digital coaching for 21 hours per month.
I provide you with custom goals to accomplish each day, a review of your “field reports” regarding socializing and habit-building (with a field report template we work together on, so it is catered specifically to you), and detailed, thorough dating, relationship and personal development advising.
Let's work together and change your life.