Persistence Is The Answer
Persistence will bring you from wherever you are in your journey to social and emotional success, to where you want to go.
There are caveats, though. For one, your persistence will not work in the long run if your motivations are selfish. Being selfish, to be clear, is different than seeking to serve yourself so you can be healthy. Selfishness manifests from negative motivation to be better than others, rather than positive motivation to be your best (and then give back to others).
If you want to be better than others and the feeling is negative - you will struggle to be persistent in the long run - because the negativity can not only eat away at you over time, but it will often preoccupy you to a point that you will leave voids in the rest of your life, inevitably neglecting personal and professional relationships, your physical and emotional - and so this neglect will inevitably banana peels for you to slip on.
When you slip on those banana peels, they can derail you, preventing you from taking care of the rest of your life, and in so doing, preventing you from being persistent (which inherently requires consistency).