

There are a million things that can distract or worry you, preventing you from putting your attention on what needs to get done for you and your business to progress.

In these moments, start prioritizing.

What, within your to-do list, and, as Stephen Covey put it, within your Circle Of Concern, is the most important thing to address, and what that you are concerned about can either, be taken care of or addressed later, or, cannot be addressed at all (because it is out of your control completely)?

Begin making a list and stay loyal to it. Be willing to adjust if needed.

Of course, emotions play a particular role and can be hard to ignore (and you should not ignore your emotions, but rather resolve them).

What do you need to address, emotionally, that will help you focus on your list of priorities?

Maybe you need to express yourself to someone, or anonymously, by yourself, in the comfort of your home (singing, dancing, etc).

Do that — let your emotions be part of your life and priorities. They must be included or you will crash later.

With each priority, including your emotions, begin to execute — even if incrementally (sometimes it can be hard to just hammer out everything on your to-do list).

Monitor your progress — and try to make gains on your efficiency and effectiveness in completing each task over the days and weeks.

Prioritizing is the first step to better execution, which leads to greater chances of success for you personally, and your business.

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